IAA Mobility Award for Early Career Researchers
The Translational Research Initiative (TRI) is pleased to announce a Mobility Award funding call for Research Associates/Assistants, Technicians and other Early Career Researchers for projects which will develop their translational research goals and help to develop routes towards creating impact.
Funded by UKRI through the MRC and BBSRC Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs) this targeted mobility award is to support the flow of expertise between academia & external partners. Mobility awards are flexible - they can be short and focused or can be a component of a larger project. Secondments can singular, undertaken over multiple visits and they can be part time. This award is to enable the researcher to spend time based at industry or third sector partners, or other academic institutions. The award can also be used to support partners or collaborators visiting and spending time at the University of Glasgow.
Mobility awards are up to £10k in value. The IAA can cover the salary costs for university staff seconded to external organisations for the time spent with the host. IAA funds can also be used to fund travel and subsistence costs, as well as other resources required by the secondment project.
Applicants must discuss their proposal with a member of the TRI before applying; please contact Translational Research Officer assigned to your School, or email mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk.
Call now open
Deadline: 5pm, 27th August 2024
- IAA ECR mobility award application form
Contact: mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk
Award details and Eligibility
This call is open to all Early Career Researchers (Research Assisstants, Research Associates, Research Fellows etc) and Technicians whose research project is in the remit of MRC or BBSRC. Proposals must have a strong translational path and/or demonstrate high potential to create impact. Applicants must have an employment contract end date that continues beyond the end of the award.
Anticipated outcomes of the MRC IAA and BBSRC IAA mobility award is to stimulate culture change by involving ECRs and technicians in impact activity, provide upskilling and knowledge exchange opportunities, and to support them in the creation and development of external partnerships or non-academic networks. By leading an independent project, awardees will strengthen their track record, enhancing their chances when pursuing opportunities such as fellowships or positions in non-academic industries.
Eligible costs include salary, travel, consumables, access to facilities and sub-contracting, and other eligible IAA costs. Project activities may include:
- Collaborative development in partnership with industry or another external stakeholder
- Secondment into industry to take forward the application of research outputs
- Secondment of staff from an external partner to work on a project on-site at the University
- Proof of concept activity within the University
- Prototype / demonstrator development
Mobility awards may last up to 6 months from the start date of the grant and all travel must be completed by this date.
Applicants must discuss their proposal with a member of the TRI before applying; please contact the Translation Research Officer assigned to your School, or email mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk.
The IAA ECR mobility award application form should be used.
Applications should be submitted by email to: mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk. The application deadline is 5pm on the 27th August 2024.
Please see the Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs) for more information
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Am I considered an Early Career Researcher?
We encourage applications from anyone that can justify themselves as an Early Career Researcher. If unsure, please contact the TRI team (mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk) to discuss.
Is this award applicable to technical staff or on a research technologist?
Yes, we encourage applications from staff across all job families. All applications must justify how the Mobility Award will potentially lead to impact, de risking and/or translational outputs.
I am a Student, can I apply?
No, applicants must be University of Glasgow staff members.
I am not based in MVLS, can I still apply?
Yes, researchers from any University of Glasgow College or School may apply as long as their project fits in the remit of MRC or BBSRC.
I am not an Early Career Researcher, can I still apply for IAA funding?
Yes, our standard IAA call will open in August and you can submit applications for project, mobility and other eligible activites then. Please contact the Translational Research Officer for your School to express your interest and to discuss further.
How much can I apply for?
Up to £10,000 can be awarded per project; there is no lower limit. All funds requested must be fully justified. We anticipate that projects will have a range of budgets and we encourage you to carefully consider your actual budget needs rather than automatically applying for the maximum funding amount available. We are aiming to support as many eligible applicants as possible, and by requesting only the funds necessary for your project, you help us extend our support to a broader range of applicants.
Do I need to hold a current research grant, or have had one in the past?
No, these awards are open to all ECRs or research active technical staff, irrelevant of their previous funding history.
How do I know how much money to apply for?
Please itemise all costs requested, if these are salary or research costs please liaise your Project Coordinator in the Transforming Research Management team to ensure accuracy. Please also list any supporting cash or in-kind contributions from partners, if applicable.
Will you accept late applications?
No, the deadline is strictly 27th August 2024 at 5pm.
Can you help guide my application?
Yes, the Translational Research Initiative team are here help answer specific questions, give feedback on eligibility, provide support in filling out sections of the form and even read draft applications ahead of the deadline. We encourage enquires; please get in touch as soon as possible for help or to indicate your interest. You may contact the Translational Research Officer for your school:
Michaela Petaroudi: School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing (MDN), School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health (CMH) and School of Molecular Biosciences (MB).
Christopher Syme: School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine (BOHVM), School of Infection & Immunity (II), School of Cancer Sciences (CS).
Stacy Robertson: School of Psychology & Neuroscience (PN), School of Health & Wellbeing (HW).
Or send enquires to mvls-innovation@glasgow.ac.uk and one of the team will get back to you.
The partner I would like to visit is a contact of my PI, can I still apply?
Yes, so long as benefit to the ECR or the translational aspects of the project can be demonstrated.
I have an idea/ unmet need but have not currently identified a partner, can you help?
The MVLS partnership team may be able to help you identify a partner. Please get in touch with them ASAP: mvls-partnerships@glasgow.ac.uk.
Can I visit another country?
Yes, mobility may be local, national or international. We will also consider virtual mobility, if justified.
Can I apply to attend a training course or conference?
Applications to undertake training activities for skill development that will directly impact the translation potential of a project will be considered. Training and upskilling must be fully justified and aligned to the potential impact and/or translation of the project. This fund will not support conference attendance.
Project monitoring and reporting
To ensure project success and impact generation, the Translational Research Officers will work closely with each project, provide steer, and ensure that the milestones and objectives are achieved within the specified timescale. The TRI will ask for regular updates on project deliverables, and an end of project report will be required following the completion of the proposed work. Longer term outcomes and impact generated reporting past your project completion, may include Researchfish submissions and reporting for the UKRI. You may also be asked to work with the TRI to produce a case study to showcase your project.
Failure to submit updates and reports may result in rescindment of funds and ineligibility for future funding.
Assessment of applications
Following submission, all applications will be assessed by a specific and diverse review panel comprised of ECRs, Translational Research Initiative team members, and at least one representative of the TRI Review Panel. Outcomes will be shared via email in a timely manner after the review panel, and written feedback will be provided for unsuccessful applications.
- The research background and supporting evidence, its quality, and the potential likelihood for impact to be generated (i.e., new products or processes, jobs created or safeguarded, cost savings, increased profits, new policies, improved healthcare, etc.);
- Defined milestones, timeframes, risks and mitigation strategy;
- A clear explanation of the project budget and the ways funding will be used to achieve impact from research output;
- Potential benefits to the University of Glasgow, project partners, external stakeholders and end users;
- Implementation of good practice in Responsible Innovation, Sustainability and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Translational Research Officers
Michaela Petaroudi
Translational Research Officer
School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing
School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health
School of Molecular Biosciences
Christopher Syme
Translational Research Officer
School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine
School of Infection & Immunity
School of Cancer Sciences
Stacy Robertson
Translational Research Officer
School of Psychology & Neuroscience
School of Health & Wellbeing
Early Career Researcher Engagement