Friederike Bacciarini

Published: 14 March 2024

Swiss, 2023 Explore Friederike’s journey, transitioning from CRM manager to strategic CRM project manager, merging digital expertise with finely-honed skills.

Name: Friederike Bacciarini

Programme: MSc Marketing (Online)

Nationality: Swiss

What was your role prior to joining the programme?

Before I started the Master's, I worked as an operational CRM manager, but now I work as a CRM project manager for a university, a much more strategic role with a much greater conceptual focus.

What knowledge and skills have you obtained in the University of Glasgow’s online Marketing degree and how will they help with your professional development?

The specialist knowledge that I have just learned in the field of consumer behaviour, UX and digital marketing is very helpful in my job, as obviously marketing operations now has a strong digital, user centric focus. My last degree was a few years ago and didn't have this digital focus back then. What I benefit from far more, however, are skills such as building structured arguments, conceptual thinking and, of course, improving my own time management.

Why did you choose the Adam Smith Business School and your programme?

I applied here because, on the one hand, the 100% online, part-time study program was essential for me, as I had to combine my studies with a challenging job. I also wanted to study in the UK. Furthermore, I followed one of the lecturers on Linked-In and found her very inspiring. I was therefore very happy when I was accepted to study at the University of Glasgow.

What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?

What I liked best was writing the assignments and the master's thesis. Getting to grips with the subject matter and topics independently and writing better structured and better argued texts as my studies progressed, felt satisfying and worth the effort. I personally found Consumer Behaviour the most exciting subject, as it also looks at many subjective perceptions and psychological behaviour patterns of customers, something that is really difficult to observe in everyday working life.

What encouragement would you give to anyone considering applying to the online Marketing course at the University of Glasgow?

Studying at the University of Glasgow in an online degree program has given me the flexibility to successfully complete the degree during my normal working life. You can be very flexible with your workload as long as you have good time management and self-discipline. It's definitely worth the effort, was a lot of fun and rewards you with a great degree.

First published: 14 March 2024