Vanesa Lippová

Published: 14 March 2024

Slovak, 2023 Meet Vanesa, now excelling as TikTok Dublin’s Product Policy Manager. Her refined writing and data skills were catalysts for her career advancement.

Name: Vanesa Lippová

Programme: MSc Marketing (Online)

Nationality: Slovak

What was your role prior to joining the programme?

Prior to joining the programme, I worked as a Product trainer in an international service company (Google Product trainer). Currently, I work as a Product Policy Manager in a global entertainment company. (Product Policy Manager, Tik Tok Dublin).

What knowledge and skills have you obtained in the University of Glasgow’s online Marketing degree and how will they help with your professional development?

I gained important academic skillset such as building strong arguments, writing impactful reports, and conducting complex research. This academic skillset has helped me to make more informed decisions at work and be better at influencing stakeholders who want to see data and evidence instead of stories and assumptions.

Why did you choose the Adam Smith Business School and your programme (e.g., academics and research background, accreditations, teaching quality, online degree structure)?

I chose the Adam Smith Business School due to its reputation, world ranking and flexible nature of the programme.

What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?

I enjoyed challenging assignments. Since I learnt the best through practice, I was satisfied with the volume and difficulty of all final projects.

What encouragement would you give to anyone considering applying to the online Marketing course at the University of Glasgow?

Once you enter the University of Glasgow’s ancient graduation hall and feel like you accidentally stepped into a Harry Potter film studio, you realise that all the struggles to handle part-time studies and full-time work were worth it! Plus, it will help you to boost your resume and gain confidence in the business world. Good luck!

First published: 14 March 2024