Welcome Event for Glasgow College UESTC, UoG and UESTC On-Campus Community

Published: 21 November 2022

A special event to bring together members of the Glasgow College UESTC, UoG and UESTC on-campus community saw staff and students enjoy a traditional Scottish Ceilidh - and more!

On Tuesday 8th November, the Glasgow-based TNE team hosted a spirited social event on campus, at the Queen Margaret Students' Union, bringing together over 50 members of the Glasgow College UESTC community in Scotland.

Invited to enjoy a dynamic mix of entertainment and networking opportunities were students from UESTC and Glasgow College UESTC who arrived in Glasgow this year for continuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies, PhD students and their supervisors with a connection to UESTC, and professors, lecturers and support staff associated with our vibrant transnational education partnership.

Appropriately, the event had a predominantly Scottish theme - with some Chinese and Asian twists. Live Ceilidh music from John Carmichael's Ceilidh band saw almost everyone get on their feet to learn some traditional country dancing, while a Scots-Asian buffet gave hungry guests a mix of well-known and unusual treats including spicy chicken curry and haggis pakora!

Since the chance to interact with teaching and support staff might require a few 'ice-breakers' for students, games, puzzles, and drinks were on offer for those who wished to enjoy them.

Welcome Event poster - UoG tartan

Of course, such events have only become possible recently, with the relaxing of restrictions endured during the Covid pandemic. This meant that it was all the more special for everyone who came along. Informal speeches included:

  • A Welcome address by Professor Muhammad Ali Imran, Dean Glasgow UESTC.
  • A short introduction by organisers Sandra Hynes (TNE Operational Coordinator) and Kathleen Menzies (TNE Operational Administrator)
  • A fascinating talk by UESTC alum and Chief Engineer of pioneering knowledge-enterprise and technology spinout, Neuranics, Dr Siming Zuo. He is certainly an inspiration to all those dreaming of exciting research careers.

A wonderful time was had by all, with both lecturers and students remarking on an "excellent event" and some commenting that it was the best time they'd had on campus in years. Stay tuned for news of future events which we intend to make even better -perhaps even with some Karaoke!

First published: 21 November 2022