First 'TILE-TEC' Conference on teaching and learning technology signals continued innovation

Published: 4 October 2023

A new collaboration between the award-winning partners of Glasgow College, UESTC came to fruition at the first ever 'TILE-TEC' Conference which explores the engineering education of the future across borders.

The first UK-China Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technology (TILE-TEC) Conference, co-hosted by the University of Glasgow (UofG) and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) took place in Chengdu on 29th June 2023 in the elegant surroundings of the Crowne Plaza hotel.

Dr Wasim Ahmad presenting at Glasgow College UESTC L&T Event June 2023

The one-day event (which coincided with the 10 year anniversary celebrations of the award-winning partnership) was organised by Dr Wasim Ahmad, pictured above. The intention is to provide a platform for academics from both institutions to come together to share their research findings and knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies and innovations in educational technology. To quote the 'Call for Abstracts', its scope and aims are as follows:

Educational technology is revolutionising higher education by harnessing digital tools and platforms to enhance teaching and learning experiences. This innovative approach transcends borders, giving rise to transnational education, which enables students to access educational opportunities beyond their home countries. However, this global expansion also presents challenges, including adapting curricula to different cultural contexts, ensuring equitable access to technology, and addressing language barriers. Nonetheless, the opportunities are immense. Online learning allows for flexible and personalised education, promotes collaboration among diverse learners, and fosters global connections. Navigating these challenges and seizing the potential of educational technology in transnational education is crucial for shaping the future of higher education. This forum aspires to showcase the difficulties and prospects presented by technologies in transnational education. It intends to recognise and examine appropriate teaching methods in the realm of technology utilisation while also pursuing evidence-based practices.

Several members of staff from both universities presented their pedagogical research and new approaches to the design and delivery of courses, detailing how they improved students' learning. The forum showcased the difficulties and prospects offered by technologies in transnational education. Themes and topics included:

  • Authentic and meaningful student assessment
  • Sustainability in the design of electronic devices
  • English language provision in a TNE setting
  • Constructive alignment and course design
  • Exam moderation and future enhancements
  • Definitions of complex problems in engineering science
  • Interdisciplinary curriculum design integrating new media, English and engineering.

Dr Kimberly Davis (Senior Fellow, Advance HE and Senior Academic and Digital Development Adviser at UoG) delivered the Keynote talk on “Authentic and Meaningful Assessment”. Other noteable speakers included Dr Amir Parnianifard, Dr Julien Le Kernec, Dr Wasim Ahmad, Dr Duncan Bremner, Ms Jennifer MacDougall, and Siyun Lin and Wen Qing (both from UESTC).

Group of Chinese academics at Glasgow College UESTC L&T Event June 2023

The conference will continue in 2024 and widen participation by inviting other TNE programmes in China to participate and share their development and experiences. Stay tuned then for future announcements and calls for papers showcasing the benefits of TNE for both staff, as a community of practitioners working across borders, and their students, as they become the engineers of the future.

First published: 4 October 2023